There’s more to us than just finance!

In most companies the financial chief is also responsible for all the other ‘back office’ functions, including the following:

  • IT
  • Human resources/personnel/training
  • Health and safety
  • Procurement
  • Insurance
  • Foreign exchange
  • Marketing

It makes sense that our Finance Directors would be able to manage these functions too, and indeed all of our Finance Directors have plenty of experience in these areas.

We can also provide you with these services as ‘outsourced’ functions if that would suit your business. We have partnered with some excellent regional providers of IT, HR, health and safety and procurement. In the same way that you can save costs by using a part time Associate, you can manage the cost of these essential roles by using them only when you need them – pay as you go, but using the best.

Raising Finance

South West Investment Group (SWIG) is a not-for-profit company that has been providing financial support to small and medium sized businesses across the south west for over 20 years.

Businesses are not always able to get the support they need from their bank to start or grow for a number of reasons. It might be due to a lack of trading history, a lack of security or poor credit history, which makes them high risk lending. Our finance is specifically designed to plug that gap. We do not compete with banks, but work closely with them to provide our clients with the money they need for the success of their business. Additionally, considering the options of managing finances effectively. For instance, when deciding on financial management tools, evaluating paper paystubs pros and cons becomes essential.

With finance sourced from both the public sector, via local authorities, European funds, central government and the private sector, we invest loan finance into south west businesses which are either just starting up or seeking to grow and need funds to get things moving. For instance, if you’re considering investments in property improvements like shop front fitters, evaluating financial management tools and understanding their pros and cons becomes essential. This includes support for infrastructure improvements such as shop front installers, helping businesses enhance their physical presence and attract more customers.